Usage Policy

You acknowledge and agree to use any websites owned or operated by AI360.PK Software Inc. or its affiliates (“AI360.PK”), and any related websites, sub-domains and pages, as well as any cloud services operated by AI360.PK (collectively the “Services”) in accordance with the following: 

  1. You may only use the Services for intended purposes and may only access the Services using the interfaces provided or expressly authorized by AI360.PK. Any content you provide to the Services should typically relate to the purposes and subject matter of the Services. 
  2. You may not, unless AI360.PK expressly grants you permission to do so in writing, make access to the Services available to, or use such for the benefit of, anyone other than yourself, including selling, reselling, licensing, sublicensing, distributing, renting, leasing, or including such Services in a service bureau or outsourcing offering. 
  3. You may not use the Services for solicitation or advertising purposes, unless AI360.PK otherwise expressly agrees with you in writing in each such case and you may not use the Services in violation of email marketing (e.g., CAN-SPAM Act of 2003) or other similar marketing laws or regulations. 
  4. You may not disclose anyone’s (including your own) Sensitive information, personal information or confidential information obtained from or via the Services, including but not limited to credit information, payment information, personal financial account information, Social Security or Social Insurance information, passport information, driver’s license numbers or other similar identification information,  personal or confidential employment, financial or health information, including any information subject to regulations, laws or industry standards designed to protect data privacy and security or solicit anyone to provide or disclose such information. This also includes harvesting, collecting or in any other way tracking information about other individuals without their consent.  
  5. You may not use or access the Services in violation of applicable law or your own company/entity policies.   
  6. Your conduct and content may not threaten, abuse, harass, stalk, defame, libel, deceive, falsify, mislead or defraud, invade the privacy of or violate the rights (including intellectual property rights) of AI360.PK or any third-parties or other users of the Services.  
  7. You may not include or otherwise share or disclose content via the Services that is vulgar, obscene, indecent or unlawful. This includes any content that is infringing, libelous or tortious.  
  8. You may not restrict or otherwise limit AI360.PK’s or any other third party’s ability to access, use or maintain the Services. This includes any activity that damages, disables, impairs or otherwise burdens the Services.  
  9. You may not use, access or share content via the Services to store or transmit malicious or disruptive code, including the upload of viruses, corrupted files, ransomware, Trojans, etc.  
  10. You may not use or access the Services for competitive purposes or for purposes other than as licensed or subscribed to by you, including but not limited to: copying the Services or any part, feature, function or user interface thereof; framing or mirroring any part of the Services; access or use the Services for benchmarking or similar competitive analysis purposes or in order to build a competitive or similar product or service to any currently or potentially made available by AI360.PK; modify, port, adapt, or translate any portion of the Services; reverse engineer (including but not limited to monitoring or tracking the inputs and outputs flowing through a system or an application in order to recreate that system), decompile, disassemble, or otherwise attempt to discover, within any Service, the source code, data representations or underlying algorithms, processes, methods, and any other portion of such Service; and/or use, or allow third parties to use, the Services (or any content, data, output, or other information received or derived from the Services) to directly or indirectly create, train, test, or otherwise improve any machine learning algorithms or artificial intelligence systems contained within the Services. If the laws of your jurisdiction give you the right to decompile the Services to obtain information necessary to render the licensed portions of the Services interoperable with other software, you must first request such information from us. We may, in our discretion, either provide such information to you or impose reasonable conditions, including a reasonable fee, on your decompilation of the Services to ensure that our and our licensors’ and suppliers’ proprietary rights in the Services are protected. 


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