Frequently Asked Questions

Got Questions? We've Got Answers!
How does works?

We are integrated with ChatGPT, OpenAI, Stable Diffusion and such other AI services and their different AI Models. These AI technologies take the prompts from our website through their APIs and give output accordingly.

Why our service is paid and not free?

We are using APIs from different AI Companies and their ai models including ChatGPT, OpenAI, Stable Diffusion and such other AI techs. These APIs are not free and we have to pay them for their APIs on the basis of usage. So, to bear this cost we need subscriptions from our users.

Which tools are available on

In the broader sense, we deal with:

  • Content Writing
  • Image Generation
  • Voice to Text
  • Translations
  • Chat Bot
  • Code Writing

We have more than 80 inbuilt templates to make these services more userfriendly and easy input processing.


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